For the past week I've been fortunate enough to be in the Sultantate of Oman. It was vastly different than anything I expected, although I had heard how pretty it was because of how green it is – – so I kind of expected that. At first I was a little disappointed because I was used to seeing the opulence of places like Dubai and I almost expected something along those lines. I went to Salalah, the southernmost large city in Oman, because the other large city is in the north and is also the capital of Oman – – perhaps it looks more like Dubai.
Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are
filled with third country nationals (TCNs) and it is almost rare that you meet
citizen – – in Oman most of the people I met were citizens and although they
have a large population of TCNs, they don't seem to treat them as a third class
but just another member of the workforce. That could be a misperception of my
part because I was only there for a week but because so many of the people that
I met were Omani and because all of them were both friendly and welcoming – – I
felt very at home very quickly. It was nice.
On my way to the tomb, I ran across a man who
was walking to camels along the road. I pulled off the road after I passed him
in order to take some pictures of the scenery. After a few minutes I heard a
call from behind me, "How are you?" I turned to see the man with his camels and I
responded that I was fine asking him how he was -- to which he just waved. I walked towards him with my camera and asked
him if it was okay if I took a picture of him with his animals, his response
was "How are you?" So, I then
asked him if he spoke any English besides that sentence and he responded
"How are you?" Not wanting to
upset him if he had some objection to me taking his picture I let that
opportunity pass and shook his hand wishing him a good day and as I walked
away, he called out from behind me "How are you?" while waving
As you can see from these pictures, the
terrain in Oman is much different than that of Kuwait. Those are mountains that
you're seeing in the distance and yes, the sky was that blue. If you see people
in the pictures, you'll notice that they wear their headdress quite differently
from anywhere else in the Middle East using more of a turban style wrap or they
wear little circular hats without a brim that look sort of like a short fez –
or a Scottish Rite hat.
Another place that I went was a souk located
in the middle of the city where perfume and raw frankincense was sold. I was not aware until I did a little reading
that Oman is known as the perfume capital of the world. Not so much the kind
that you might buy at Macy's, but the kinds of perfumes that are made from
frankincense. The smell of this resin when burned is quite pleasant and you can
smell it almost everywhere in the Middle East as is often burned out of
Near the Port of Salalah is this small bay. I
thought it was quite beautiful every time I drove by it -- then one time I was
lucky enough to catch it at sunset and could see how truly beautiful it was. Just
past the port was a restaurant called the Oasis where I had dinner with some of
the folks who I was there to support. The
highlight of my last night there, was getting to try one of their specialties
which was a Whiskey Milkshake. It is just what it sounds like, with whiskey
being the primary ingredient. Since the bar tended to be patronized by British
ex-pats, they usually used Scotch but I had mine made with good old American
Bourbon. It was actually very tasty.
There was a mix-up on my return flight, so I was left stranded for about 8 hours. I was able to use the
time to explore the city some more. Since it was Friday, very little was open
but as you can see the views were fantastic and you never can tell when you're
going to find something interesting.
Apparently the shop will take care of both dentistry and
circumcision. I'm not sure you would
want to combine both those into one appointment, and I would be more than a
little leery if the same guy was doing both procedures.