Sunday, March 10, 2013

Apply, Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Falkor wakes up exactly 14 minutes before my alarm goes off and jumps on the bed demanding to be pet from that time until the alarm actually goes off  (I have no idea how his internal clock is that accurate)

Alarm goes off

I start the coffee and then take Falkor for a quick walk

Jump in the shower, get dressed, and slurp down coffee before heading out the door

Taking my life and my own hands, I brave Kuwaiti traffic and drive to work

Clear security

Stop at the dining facility and pick up breakfast

Get to the office 

Work, supporting the troops

Go to lunch

Work, keeping the world safe for Democracy

Pick up supper to go and head for the gate

Clear security

Again brave Kuwaiti traffic and drive home while eating supper

Take a very excited Falkor for a walk

Check my email and do a few other odds and ends

Watch TV for about an hour

Walk Falkor again

Go to bed and get ready to do the exact same thing tomorrow


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