When we got back to the cabin everyone else was gone. Tikk had plans to meet some friends downtown so he changed and left. Since my son and I were hungry, we headed to a brand new BBQ place that had just opened on US129. As we arrived, HillBilly, GrnEyes, HBC &Kent were leaving, but they were all talking about how good the food was. We were the last customers of the evening and we had some of the best pulled pork BBQ I had eaten in a long time. We each ordered a second sandwich to go and we headed back to the cabin.
Before we got there, GrnEyes had left to meet up with a friend. &Kent was trying to fix the heater in the hot tub, so my son gave him a hand. Cards were being played and TV was being watched.
At some point during the evening I sat down on the couch; I am not sure why but I think it seemed to be the right thing to do about then. A short while later HBC joined me and immediately launched into a conversation. She asked many questions about how my son and I ended up going on this trip and if we were enjoying it. We talked for about an hour and she spent part of the time showing me pictures she had taken of the side trip they had taken to a waterfall.
Somewhere during that hour, I realized another reason why I enjoyed riding: I get to meet warm, caring, and special people like HBC. She was one of the friendliest and most open and caring people I had met in a long time. I really enjoyed getting a chance to get to know her and the true kind of person she was.
GrnEyes showed up and for whatever reason she was unable to meet her friend and had returned to the cabin without dinner. She and &Kent headed out to find some food.
Around this time, HillBilly showed up with TXGalnTN. She breathed fresh life into the room, as she seemed to be a force of positive nature from the minute she crossed the threshold. Unlike all of us, she was from the Deep South and possessed a wonderful Southern accent and a sense of fun that seemed to just flow.

The next morning I lay in bed listening to an unfamiliar voice. It was TXGalnTN telling a story and laughing. I listened to part of one of them, which I also thought was funny. I was trying to decide whether or not I was going to get up when &Kent started humming Dueling Banjos -- having recently seen Deliverance - again - any time you hear that song being played is a good time to get up and see what the hell is going on. It is kind of like hearing the mandolin music from the Godfather. You know something is about to happen- and it ain't good.
So, I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs. Nothing dramatic was going on, everyone was waiting on the shower and drinking their first cup of coffee. I grabbed a cup, sat down, and tried to let the caffeine do its business. We finished off the last of the eggs with cheese and &Kent and my son took another shot at trying to fix the hot tub. They were actually were able to drain some water from the shower to the Hot Tub which raised the temp a little bit -- but not enough.
Shortly after HillBilly and TXGalnTN left to go ride the Tail, Tikk walked through the front door. He had not shown up the night before, but we all decided to wait until noon before organizing a search party. Glad we waited.
With Tikk back amongst us, everyone said about taking off or wherever they were headed that day. I, my son, and Tikk were going to head out and ride the Devil's Triangle.
Nice article,thanks for the information.